mental health support services
Front St. Mental Health Support Services (MHSS) are comprised of three main components: case management, recovery, and wellness. These key concepts guide the collaboration between resident and the clinical team to reach the resident's unique personal goals. The clinical team, comprised of on-site coordinators, MHSS Managers, and led by the Director of Clinical Services, works together with residents on the development and implementation of individualized treatment plans with a primary focus on recovery and wellness.
Recovery-oriented structured activities and psycho-educational and behavioral interventions are provided in a setting in which the person's needs are addressed, skills training applied, and recovery experienced.
Services include on-going support and assessment, case management, crisis intervention, individual and group rehabilitation counseling, linkage to off-site resources, and more.
Case Management
With goals of supporting independence and enhancing quality of life, Front St. case managers (coordinators) engage in a collaborative process with residents and the other members of their treatment team. The coordinator assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet the client's health and human service needs.
Coordinators are responsible for a variety of tasks, ranging from linking clients with appropriate providers and resources to intensive clinical or rehabilitative services and crisis interventions. Other core functions include outreach to engage clients in services, assessing individual needs, arranging requisite support services (such as money management, benefit programs and job training), monitoring use of services, and advocating for client rights and entitlements.
Our case managers are advocates for consumers, ensuring they receive the appropriate monitoring and continuity of care so that services can be provided in the most streamlined and effectual manner. Our goal is to support independence and optimum wellness by working directly with residents and their treatment team. This collaboration across service providers aims to truly meet the individual's personalized needs.
treatment program
The Front St. MHSS program provides a supportive and recovery-oriented therapeutic milieu in each licensed residential setting. Consumers and staff work together in the development and implementation of structured daily activities and groups. Recovery-oriented services are designed as an integral part of a continuum of care to ensure that consumers remain stable in the community. Psycho-educational and behavioral interventions are provided in a setting in which the person's needs are addressed.
Our professional staff provides group treatment in skill-building, insight-oriented and expressive therapies, vocational rehabilitation, and wellness and socialization skills. Insight and discovery helps clients avoid hospitalization, stabilize their lives, and develop personal relationships and support networks. Group topics include:​
Stress and anger management
Interpersonal skills
Community integration
Nutrition and fitness education
Recreation and leisure activities
Substance abuse management
Social skills: friendship and intimacy
Seeking Safety
wellness & Events
In 2005, a group from the Front St. team attended a multi-day training at the Center for Excellence in Psychiatry at New Jersey focused on the implementation of health and wellness programs across the agency. Returning from the course, Front St. committed to integrating a complete wellness approach to its programs, and memorialized the event by including wellness as one of the company's guiding principles.
The Front St. Wellness Program evolved over the years to include and address the various dimensions of one's life. Wellness is physical, emotional, social, occupational, intellectual, financial, environmental, and spiritual. We promote complete wellness and overall well being by helping individuals enrich the quality of all aspects of their lives.
It is an evidence based treatment modality combining psycho-educational groups, nutrition and menu planning education, and physical activities grounded in the philosophy of person-centered recovery. Residents develop personal goals for maintaining wellness in an integrated fashion taking into account both their physical and psychological strengths and needs. Our seasonal wellness events include:
Quarterly Wellness Events
Annual Craft Fair
Pool Parties
Summer BBQs